Few things invoke instant panic like a missing smartphone or laptop. These devices hold a good part of our lives. This includes files, personal financials, apps, passwords, pictures, videos, and so much more.
More Secure
5 Benefits of Switching to a Passwordless Login System
The IT infrastructure keeps witnessing changes due to new trends and practices. As such, there is a need to create a balance in the organisation’s IT and adapt to newer technologies. One of these is password security. For decades, the accepted authentication form for many organisations has been using passwords and usernames.
What's RTO & RPO? Why Is This Important for a Backup & Recovery Plan?
Tech has been fantastic for businesses in many ways, allowing them to enhance productivity and reach new customers. However, the increasing reliance on tech also has its downsides - namely, the risk of downtime is a huge threat to businesses.
What Are the Most Prevalent Mobile Device Attacks?
It used to be the case that companies only needed to worry about securing their office's four walls. Back in those days, employees worked on computers that were bound to their desks. The only way for a cybercriminal to launch an attack was to somehow get into the company network.
Advanced Firewall
The Internet is getting faster allowing businesses to implement cost-effective cloud hosted applications, rich media solutions and VoIP.
But it's also the case that the Internet is getting more dangerous. Hardly a day goes by now without the news media reporting another serious cyber security breach.
Firmware Attacks Are Becoming a Major Problem! Learn What You Need to Do to Protect Your Devices
When it comes to the success of a business cybersecurity strategy, the focus is usually on software, passwords, network, and data. For example, you always hear about updates being needed to software and operating systems, but companies often neglect firmware security.